2020, ink drawing on wall
Depo, Istanbul;
2021, digital print and painting on wall, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin.
Research: Jorela Karriqi
Graphic design: Burak Tigli
Technical support: Tayfun Akyıldız
Graffiti (Berlin edition): Kate Voronina
Sandstorm – And Then There was Dust
03 September – 14 November 2021, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin
17 September – 1 November 2020, DEPO İstanbul
Curator: Sarah Maske
Kerem Ozan Bayraktar’s projects often bring together utterly different phenomena, and through approaching them from a holistic perspective, he suggests new connections between them that we would otherwise ignore. Today he started his large scale drawing ‘How a vacuum cleaner works’.
Lastweek @keremozanbayraktar started to alter his drawing ‘How does a vacuum cleaner work?’ and added information and misinformation to the already dense diagram. He opens up several different layers of time and space on which the notion and characteristics of dust and vacuum cleaners could be transferred to. Go and see the changes yourself every day except Mondays @tutundeposu .
Considering processes in art means to shift the focus of the work from the spatial to the temporal. It means to look at the components instead of the overall entity of a work, to create detail views and expand our reception and habits of the perception of time. Viewing of art becomes a long-term project.
Final layer for Kerem Ozan Bayraktar’s evolving wall drawing ‘How does a vacuum cleaner work?’, 2020. The words ‘Bits of my lover’ reference to his video work ‘Rotor’, 2020 and highlight the fact that dust contains among parts of non-living material also pieces of humans and thus pieces of our loved ones. In dust everything and everyone is coming together in a totally equal ratio.
Funded and supported by Kültür Akademie Tarabya, Goethe Institut, Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Ankara, Prince Cloud Fund for Culture and Development with kind contributions by Kültür için Alan, SAHA, Henrich Böll Stiftung, Institur für Auslandasbeziehungen, Smava, Arta Atelier