  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan, and Uludağ, Aslı editors. Marmara. Self-publishing, Istanbul, 2024.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. Dünyaların Haritaları [Maps of Worlds], edited by Doğa Okay, Sanatorium, Istanbul, 2021.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. Spirits on the Ground, edited by Ulya Soley Sanatorium, Istanbul, 2021.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. Rocks and Winds, Germs and Words, edited by Kevser Güler Sanatorium, Istanbul, 2019.

Book Chapters
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Non Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Symposium Publications in Proceedings
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan; Uludağ Aslı. " Teknik nesne ve çevre bağlamında ölçekler arası diyagramlar" [Diagrams Across Scales in the Context of Technical Objects and Environment]. 1st National Conference on Environmental Humanities, Nevsehir, Turkey, 2021.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan; Uludağ Aslı.  "Waterline." Unbound Istanbul: Environmental Approaches to the City, Istanbul, Turkey, 2021.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. "Dağıtık Yaşam" [Distributed Life] Research on Symbiosis, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. "Ruderal Manifesto." Istanbul Biennial Digestion Program - Concrete, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. "Looking at Everyday Life from System Aesthetics." 3rd Turkish Aesthetics Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 2019.

Selected Essays
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. "Sistem Teorisi Bağlamında Sanat Nesnesi ve Eşleme" [Object of Art, and Mapping in Context of Systems Theory ]. PhD Diss., Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Elif Çelebi, 2017.
  • Bayraktar, Kerem Ozan. "Dijital İmge ve Temsili " [Digital Image and Its Representation]. Master's Thesis, Supervisor: Prof. Tayfun Erdoğmuş, 2011.